Cat Tricks

I’m a cat guy from way back. I grew up around cats & have had cats for most of my adult life, so I’ve learned that cats respond well to positive reinforcement. So eventually they’ll usually start doing tricks for approval. They’ll also learn effective ways to get what they want. It’s manipulative for sure, but I have to admire their ability to communicate.

Creature Comforts

I’m relieved to be able to resume posting comics again. Happy new year, too. Like I mentioned in my recent Patreon blog post, Kickstarter fulfillment took up a lot of my time & attention since it was the thing I prioritized. Now that that’s wrapped up, I hope to build a little consistency into the comics this year by scheduling these comics to post in advance. I’m trying to systemize these things!

The next batch of comics are ones that are printed in Hey Cat Volume 3: Return of the Fleas. If you missed out on the Kickstarter, you can still get a copy in the Grackle Studio shop! 

Also, I’m thinking of breaking the comics up into panels in the future since it looks like it works well with this site’s theme. Lemme know if this works better for you!

Night Watchcat

Fresh from the Photoshop cleanup process, it’s the latest installment of Hey, Cat! I’m not sure any “long term readers” of this comic exist, but if they did they’d notice this one is a little different. That’s right, this is the first multipage installment! 

Yes, this happened a couple weeks ago. I made a comic in the first or second year of this series dealing with death, but this impacted me differently. I found myself unable to discipline my poor cat for her instinct to be nice to me & offer the gift of a lizard. Not sure if the lizard survived outside or if one of the outside cats finished the job, but that’s a story for another comic or animated movie!

Housecat Lockdown

Well folks, it’s been a while but “Hey, Cat.” is back! According to my extensive record keeping, it’s been six & a half years since the last entry. Today’s comic obliquely introduces a new cat to the series, even though readers don’t get a name for this new cat yet. I’ve got a proper intro comic for her in the works, hang on!

This comic just seemed like the right way to kick off the latest chapter of this series. The pandemic has allowed me a lot of bonding time with these cats, I’m sure a lot of folks are experiencing the same situation!