It’s Okay

This one was not easy. My dad died in early 2022 & I pretty much threw myself into making a bunch of cat comics as an excuse to have a huge new project to occupy my time so I wouldn’t be bogged down in sadness. But I knew I had to address it somehow, this is a damn autobiographical comic series, kinda. How could I avoid it?

I don’t mean to paint the picture of my dad being a good dad. Some of what’s hard about his death is the amount of unresolved stuff, the distance between us. It all sounds very stereotypical for a man & his dad to have issues. It makes no sense to go into all the trauma here in a little blurb beneath a comic. But this was where I was emotionally when I wrote this comic. Trying to see the good in a human despite the direct harm they caused me due to abuse, neglect, & dishonesty. Clearly I’m still processing this. It takes time.

Anyhow, the death of a parent kind of makes a person fatalistic for a while. I never felt more mortal than I did in 2022. Maybe that time in 2021 when some guy passing me on the sidewalk said he was going to shoot me “in the fucking face” & motioned to pull out a gun & extended it to the spot right between my eyes. But I’m approaching middle age, & these cats are about to turn 10, so yeah I got a little mopey this year about the idea of them not being around.

But I try to remember that all we have is now. The present moment. It helps me to experience it.

Retail Therapy, with Cats

I think I meant sublimation instead of transference. It’s not a big deal, I think the intent of what I was trying to communicate is clear. It means I’m overcoming the negative emotions stemming from enduring child abuse by trying to provide a nice life for the cats. Looks like I’ll have to fix this for the second edition of the book, which means this first edition is that much more of a collector’s item! 🤑

Today’s comic is intended as an introduction to next week’s comic, which provides more of a window into my dysfunctional childhood. Don’t worry too much; although I’d like to say I turned out fine, I can’t say that because it’s not true. But I get some peace of mind knowing I’m still alive & strong enough to not have been consumed by that poverty & neglect.

Also, how cool is If you’re a pet owner, you have my extreme recommendation to check out Chewy if you’re not familiar with it. They made the cat tree attainable for me.

Hey, today’s my birthday! Wow. I don’t know how other people feel turning 39, but I’ve never really been a big birthday guy so this isn’t a big deal to me. I know I’m middle aged now. Oh well. If you celebrate my birthday, please enjoy yourselves responsibly!

You can also celebrate by checking out my new Kickstarter for my new comic book, Human Stuff Vol. 3! I hope you like autobiographical comics, because that’s what this book is. The Kickstarter page & video give more of an idea of what it’s all about, but if you like Hey Cat you’ll probably like this book!

Return of the Fleas, Pt. 2

Finally some closure to the previous comic! Maybe I spend too much time around the cats & am a maladjusted person, but it’s a damn emotional rollercoaster for me when these cats are bummed out for whatever reason. Bologna always seems more betrayed than Noodle when I have to administer flea medication, so she sulks a little longer. All I can do is continue to be way too extreme about making sure the cats don’t run outside & risk getting fleas & hope the cats eventually understand the cause & effect of all this.

Return of the Fleas, Pt. 1

The titular comic for the latest Hey Cat comic book. Anytime I’m feeling like I’m scratching more than usual signals the beginning of a terrible cycle. Nobody is happy, except maybe the bugs IF they actually exist.

How far do I go to make sure the potential parasites are dead? Tune in next week for the conclusion!

Fait Accompli

I got Bologna in the summer of 2013 a little after Hey Cat #1: Be Here Meow went to print. I had a few comics for the second book at this point, but I realized this kitten would change the series. Was Hey Cat about to jump the shark??

Fortunately the two cats got along well & I was able to continue making the comics with the same damn formula I had put together by this point. Things didn’t really change too much until the next summer when Jessica & I moved to Austin. This is all documented on the Hey Cat website & in Hey Cat #2: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Annoying.

But what I hadn’t documented in the comics was picking Bologna up! Here is that comic documentation.

Waste Chaser

Because of her famous cat curiosity, Bologna watches me scoop the litter boxes sometimes (Noodle does this now too, possibly a copycat move). Who knows what goes through a cat’s head when they see us sifting through their shit?

I may have mentioned it in an early Hey Cat comic, but my approach to the human-cat communication in this series is that I don’t really understand what the cats are saying. It’s basically me interpreting a meow. I’m pretty sure they understand some of what I say, but they choose not to give a damn about it. Like some of my human interactions!